Website Redesign

Revamping the Webgility Website for Enhanced Branding and User Experience

My Role

UX/UI Design, Prototyping, User Research, Content Strategy


2 months


Head of UX, Lead Product Manager, CEO, Project Managers, Marketing, Front-End Engineers, QA team



This project involved a comprehensive redesign of the Webgility website, including a new navigation structure, homepage redesign, four new automation pages, updated integration and pricing pages, and a new landing page with a product demo.


Crafting Excellence: A Website Overhaul to Position Webgility as the Leading QuickBooks Connector

Crafting Excellence: A Website Overhaul to Position Webgility as the Leading QuickBooks Connector

Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page
Social and branding ui rendering
Social and branding ui rendering
Social and branding ui rendering
Google and Intuit sign up buttons
Google and Intuit sign up buttons
Google and Intuit sign up buttons
Onboarding user data collection ui rendering
Onboarding user data collection ui rendering
Onboarding user data collection ui rendering
computer loading screen with text
computer loading screen with text
computer loading screen with text


Repositioning the brand through messaging and content

The redesign of the Webgility website aimed to better communicate the software’s functionalities and value through an enhanced user interface and updated branding. The goal was to make the site more navigable and content more readable, aligning the design with Webgility’s advanced technological capabilities. This project supported the brand's strategy to clarify its offerings and benefits, boosting user satisfaction and business growth.

Problem space

Confusing language, navigation, and disconnected images

The old Webgility website was difficult to navigate, had outdated designs, and didn't support our new marketing initiative to position the company as an integration/connector software rather than just an accounting automation tool.

This caused user confusion and failed to effectively showcase our client base and the product's capabilities. The challenge was to transform the site into a visually appealing, user-friendly platform to enhance the user experience and improve onboarding and retention. This required a strategic redesign of the navigation and content layout to better reflect Webgility's goals and technology.

Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page


Research Methods

The redesign project employed a mix of user interviews, analytics review, A/B testing, and competitor analysis to gather a comprehensive understanding of the existing issues and user expectations. This multi-method research approach ensured a data-driven redesign strategy that aligned with both business objectives and user needs.

The redesign project employed a mix of user interviews, analytics review, A/B testing, and competitor analysis to gather a comprehensive understanding of the existing issues and user expectations. This multi-method research approach ensured a data-driven redesign strategy that aligned with both business objectives and user needs.

Key Findings

After analyzing all of our data we can to these conclusions aboutcurrent issues our users were facing.

Navigation Challenges

Users frequently reported challenges in navigation the site, often struggling to locate crucial information quickly.

Visual Appeal

The website's appearance did not align with modern design standards negatively affecting the perception of Webgility as a leader in tech innovation.

Content Clarity

The content layout was cluttered and often overwhelming, diluting important messaging and calls to action.

brainstorming and ideation

Information Architecture

In the beginning we felt it was best to determine the best way to organize the website that fit our internal goal of promoting our value props and allowing easier navigation for potential clients. By updating our informational pages to the users perceived use cases of automation we were able to balance out and rename the pages to help better fit the customer and their ability to learn about the product while browsing through the website.

Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page

Design Discovery

Content vs Design, what comes first.

This is the age old questions, what comes first, content or design. In this situation we started iterating on design first as we felt it would be helpful to determine design patterns early on. In addition, our CMS platform at the time (Hubspot) allowed us to create and reuse component modules and so it was important to audit what we currently had live on the website and what could be repurposed to save time on development.

Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page

Design Discovery

Creating an illustrative style

We wanted to represent our users through the hybrid approach of showing images with people that fit our customer personas and also add a touch of visuals that represented the software and its capabilities.

Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page
Modern designed sign-up landing page

Final designs

Homepage, Automation, and Integration landing pages

Completing the homepage was our top priority, setting the standard for the subsequent development of four new automation pages and the integration pages.

This foundational page required the most time due to meticulous refinement of copy and images to ensure high-quality presentation and functionality. Additionally, we focused on designing reusable components that could be effectively applied across the homepage, automation, and integration pages, streamlining the development process for the entire website.

4 New Automation Pages

4 New Automation Pages

4 New Automation Pages

Updated Integration Pages

Updated Integration Pages

Updated Integration Pages

Final designs - Pricing page

Pricing Page Update

Pricing Page Update

The new pricing page design adopts a cleaner, more modern aesthetic that improves readability and visual appeal. The use of space and typographic hierarchy helps in making the page look less cluttered.

New Pricing Page

New Pricing Page

New Pricing Page


Design Meets Strategy: A Design Journey to Enhance User Engagement

We successfully revamped the Webgility website, enhancing both its visual appeal and functionality. Our focus was primarily on the homepage, automation, and integration pages, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience. The introduction of reusable components not only accelerated the development process but also maintained a consistent design ethos across the site.

Key Metrics Demonstrating Improvement:

  • User Engagement: Session duration increased by 25%, reflecting the enhanced engagement with our new design.

  • Conversion Rates: Clearer calls to action contributed to a 15% increase in trial sign-ups, indicating more effective user conversion.

  • Bounce Rate: The bounce rate decreased by 20%, showing that users are staying on the site longer, exploring more of what we offer.


Reflecting on this project, we gained several valuable insights:

  • User-Centric Design: Regular user feedback was crucial in refining the user interface. This approach will continue to be a cornerstone of our design strategy.

  • Flexibility in Components: The success of our reusable components underlined the importance of adaptability in web design, allowing for quick modifications without compromising quality.

  • Cross-Department Collaboration: Strong collaboration among the design, development, and marketing teams was key to ensuring the website's performance across various metrics.

This project reaffirmed the importance of integrating aesthetic, user experience, and functionality to drive better business outcomes. The lessons learned here, especially the value of continuous user feedback and data-driven adjustments, will guide our future projects.

Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me
Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me
Let’s work together!
For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me

Copyright 2024 by Myles Bracken

Copyright 2024 by Myles Bracken

Copyright 2024 by Myles Bracken